Here we are again at the end of another term. The weeks fly by so quickly at the start of the year, that we don’t even realise they’re gone until it’s too late!

The secondary students have worked hard this term, and should be proud of their results. However we must also remember that hard work achieves good grades, and if they don’t understand the work they are given, they must ask the teacher for some help. We are finding that some students are still very shy and don’t like to ask for help. Please remember that this is what we are here for – to help as much as we can, so that a greater level of learning is achieved.

SEQTA is an important part of your child’s learning. Please ensure that you log on regularly to access your child’s grades, and to see how they are progressing. Students should also be logging on regularly to ensure that they are completing relevant homework. They will also find assessment dates here to help them with their studies and organisational skills.

As we are a sun-smart school, it is imperative that students wear their hats in the yard. This includes secondary students. As term 1 comes to a close and the weather cools down, students are not required to wear their hats in term 2, however will be required to wear them again coming into term 4. Please ensure that you keep hats in a safe place so that they can be found again in term 4.

Our final day for Term 1 is Friday, March 31st. School will finish at the normal time and students will be transported home as usual.


Have a safe and happy holiday, and we will see you again in Term 2.

Mrs. Sara Cartwright
Secondary Coordinator